Today's Workout

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WOD March 25th – Easy Gleason

First we will start with the warm up before we jump into all of this craziness….

If you have DB’s or KB, perhaps a cast iron pan or just a box of laundry detergent – this will help!
1. 10 reps of each movement (you can do 2 arm (bilateral) or one arm (unilateral))
2. 2 rounds to get warm

Exercises for warm up:
Jumping Jacks
Overhead Press
Push Ups
Flat Bench Press (use your weight that you have available)
Mountain Climbers

Now we move on to the good stuff… The mother of all Met-Cons

An easy gleason workout is one which you perform exercises, similar to EMOM (every minute on the minute)…. but worse.

Each minute, you perform each exercise, and every minute you add one rep to each exercise.

Your exercises will be:
Thrusters (use a cast iron pan, or dumbbells or a kettle bell if you have access)
Hop over burpees

It looks like this:
Minute 1: 1x thruster, 1x burpee (hopping over an object of your choice)
Minute 2: 2x thruster, 1x burpee (hopping over an object of your choice)

Continue until you can’t complete the reps inside of the minute time any longer. See what number you can come up with! Aim for 15!!!!


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