Today's Workout

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Weekend WOD – Cardio and Core

Todays workout is more of a cardio circuit, we’re doing two rounds of the 7 exercise circuit

40 second movement (1-7)
Followed by 10 KB swings (NO REST) after each movement
30 seconds rest before you start the subsequent movement

1. Split jumps
2. Forward jumps
3. Pop squats
4. Speed skaters
5. Single leg squats (one side)
6. Single leg squats (opposite leg)
7. Two leg lateral jumps

Then: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off of each for 3 rounds:
V ups
Lying leg raise
Sit ups
Mountain climbers


If you guys don’t have a KB you can be creative, use your cast iron pan, use a water filled paint can – great idea by Darren – you  can use any object that may have  a bit of weight that you’re able to hold onto. Try checking your tool box for something with a bit of weight if needed!

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